As part of the Lyfta subscription, schools get access to a range of CPD courses designed to enhance teacher confidence across the school.

Watch a Lyfta Live Lesson for free

We regularly broadcast free live lessons which are delivered by our qualified teachers at Lyfta. Classes from all over the country connect via a Zoom link and watch a Lyfta lesson modelled for them, often about topical themes and subjects. The feedback for live lessons has been overwhelmingly positive. This is a great way for teachers to see how engaging and valuable Lyfta lessons can be, while they watch and participate with their students. No planning or marking required!

Professional Development

We offer valuable CPD as part of a Lyfta subscription on a range of themes and topics that support classroom practice in a variety of ways.
This autumn we are offering live webinars for teachers who want to deepen their practice with content, curriculum and pedagogy on the following themes / topics:
Bringing in sustainability and global citizenship
Developing oracy skills through immersive storytelling
Building cultural capital and intercultural competences
Using Lyfta at Key Stage 1
Using Lyfta for PSHE and personal development
Supporting and engaging reluctant writers

Our pre-recorded CPD courses are available on-demand for Lyfta subscribers accessed via the teacher dashboard.

Asking quality questions:

helping teachers elicit deep and critical thinking from students, includes classroom strategies to assess the understanding of all students in a class.

Assessment for learning (AfL) and Lyfta:

ways in which Lyfta supports AfL opportunities in the classroom, includes a range of strategies to assess students’ learning.

Metacognition and self-regulated learning:

distinguishing between metacognition and self-regulated learning, a course which examines how Lyfta can support both

Courageous conversations about race:

providing a historical context of education and equality legislation to help teachers discuss race (and other DEIB) matters in a school context with students. A course which considers how we can be agile and responsive to global events and use Lyfta to talk with students about them in meaningful ways.

If you are subscribed to Lyfta, and would like to attend, get in touch here.
If you are not yet subscribed to Lyfta, please book a short demo here.

Join us to bring connection, understanding and belonging into every classroom.

1,000+ multimedia resources
100+ themed collections
400+ instant lessons