Lyfta live lessons: Countdown to Earth Day

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Live Lessons
This year, as we count down to Earth Day 2023, invite your students to be part of an exciting Lyfta live lesson and use their creativity and inventiveness take part in our #EarthDayInventor competition. You could win a bundle of sustainability books worth £100!
Ethiopian Treasures Live Lesson Trailer
Asalif in storyworld Ethiopian Treasures
Asalif in storyworld Ethiopian Treasures
In our next live lessons, we will travel together to Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia and meet 10-year-old Asalif who uses his ingenuity to reuse discarded materials he finds and turn them into useful inventions.
Lessons will take place at 11.15 and 14.00 on both 22nd and 23rd March and last for 45 minutes. Sign up now to secure your space.
We will explore the themes of creativity and inventiveness and see how Asalif uses his imagination and technical skills to turn unwanted items into treasure. We hope this will inspire your students to do the same and that they will take part in our #EarthDayInventor competition with the chance of winning a bundle of sustainability books worth £100!

Lyfta Live lessons - what are they?

Tweets from Live Lesson for Children's Mental Health Week
Tweets from Live Lesson for Children's Mental Health Week
Lyfta live lessons are delivered by our engagement team live, via Zoom, bringing together many different schools for an exciting shared experience.
Since we started our live lessons, under a year ago, we have delivered sessions to over a 1000 classes in total (over 30,000 student sessions)!

New to Lyfta?

The Lyfta globe and platform
The Lyfta globe and platform
If you don't know much about Lyfta, you can read more about our award-winning immersive learning platform here.
Our Lyfta storyworlds are at the heart of what we do, offering learners intimate windows into the lives of people from across the globe. Students and teachers can explore real human stories through 360° spaces and soundscapes, high-quality documentary films, and rich media articles. Our Lyfta films depict personal stories that open up a wider, societal issue. Our live lessons provide a great opportunity to experience some of the content with your students with no preparation required.
Lyfta Live Lessons
Sustainability & Global Citizenship
Earth Day