Lyfta live lessons: Kids' Cup

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Live Lessons
On Wednesday 30th November and Friday 2nd December 2022 more than 165 classes, from schools from around the UK (some 5000 students), participated in our latest Lyfta live lessons. This time we visited Norway to meet footballer Anna as she prepared for an international competition to help schools leverage learning opportunities around the men’s football World Cup.
Students at De Lacy Primary participating in a Lyfta live lesson
Students at De Lacy Primary participating in a Lyfta live lesson
Lyfta live lessons are delivered by our engagement team via Zoom, bringing together many different schools for a shared Lyfta experience. This time we introduced Eyes on the Ball, a storyworld from the Kids' Cup series which explores values that can be developed through sport.
Tweets from classes across the UK who joined the Lyfta live lessons
Tweets from classes across the UK who joined the Lyfta live lessons
Our trainer Noel introduced the Lyfta globe and showed the students where we would be visiting. Together we travelled to Norway and explored Anna's bedroom and the rooftop overlooking the fjords, through the 360° spaces on the platform.
Students immediately had lots of questions about what they could see and hear in the spaces. They wanted to know what all the trophies were for, why the ball had writing on it and who might live in such a tidy, football-themed room…
After exploring the 360° spaces, we clicked on Anna to bring her story to life in a short documentary film. Students watched Anna run alongside fjords and in the shadow of mountains as she prepared for the competition. Together, we saw how Anna had to manage her emotions as the tournament progressed and led to penalties (something students may well experience if supporting teams in the World Cup!) We saw together how coping with disappointment is all part of the game.
Students discussed the film in their classrooms and some brave children came on screen to share their thoughts on what they had seen.

"All that matters is that you have fun. You can try again next time"

"It only matters that you tried and tried your best"

"Doesn't matter if you lost - the next game you might win!"

"Don't be hard on yourself, everyone makes mistakes"

"We saw how hard she worked. She's had to learn how to overcome disappointment"

"You still have your teammates - and your friends"

Lyfta Kid's Cup storyworld series
Learners were encouraged to participate in some follow up activities and invited to explore more about winning and losing, the benefits of exercise and more through rich media articles.
Lyfta subscribers can access the full storyworld as well as the other 3 storyworlds in the Kids' Cup series.
Human Stories
Immersive Learning
Lyfta Live Lessons
Sport & PE