We want to help schools help their young people to thrive in all ways and all levels in a fast changing and increasingly uncertain world. As a company dedicated to improving student outcomes, we take pedagogy and evidence informed practice extremely seriously and are incredibly proud of the transformative journeys Lyfta facilitates in schools and academy trusts across the UK and beyond. In 2023 we were delighted to be recognised at the prestigious Bett Awards receiving the Award for `Transformational Impact’, an award we were also shortlisted for in 2024.
Below we look at some of the ways the platform is being used and the impact being driven through our amazing teacher community.
Shifting perspectives and building empathy
In studies in schools like Akeley Wood Senior School, Salcombe Prep School, Colchester Prep and High School, and Quinton House School, Lyfta's impact on agency, character, and virtues is clear. Student reflective journals (completed regularly after Lyfta sessions) and pupil voice questionnaires showed:
- 75% said sessions strengthened understanding and raised awareness of new themes.
- Many felt hearing stories from different cultures changed their thinking.
- Students could identify virtues (especially resilience and kindness), aligning with character education.
- Students quantitatively showed higher confidence in meeting with people from different cultures, countries and backgrounds to themselves. A finding which correlates with earlier findings from an extensive Tampere University study which found that Lyfta helps to reduce learners’ social anxiety around meeting people from different cultural backgrounds.
- 70%+ felt Lyfta would positively impact their broader learning - appreciating gaining knowledge, empathy, critical thinking and future aspirations.
- Students emphasised the importance of cross-cultural understanding, respect and recognising shared humanity.
- Students gained awareness of cultural differences, environmental issues and resilience.
- Salcombe students, for example, highlighted memories of helping animals and environmental action, indicating a strong emotional resonance.
- Surveys reported a 25% increase in confidence in meeting people from different cultures than at the start of their Lyfta learning experience.
- Colchester students (Yrs 6-9) recalled environmental protection, women's rights and gratitude - reflecting engagement with diverse global values.
Evidence showed that Lyfta fosters holistic learning and cultural understanding, whilst highlighting the need for guided reflection and follow-up to maximise meaning and transformative experiences.
"Students are very clear - they’re very confident about talking about their learning on Lyfta. They regularly talk about the different cultures, the perspectives that they’ve learnt… not just that, they also talk about the skills base that they’ve gained."
Supporting personal development for thriving in a changing world
Upton Court Grammar School
Upton Court Grammar School's experience with Lyfta highlights its role in personal development. Students, from Year 7 to 12, expressed confidence in talking about their Lyfta experiences, citing benefits such as learning about other perspectives and cultures. The immersive platform provided a unique space for students to step outside their comfort zones, engage with diverse perspectives, and actively contemplate positive change.
- 76% of students said they felt confident to talk about the learning gained from Lyfta, 90%+ of these gave examples of benefits
- Most frequent rating for categories of ‘personal development’ and ‘reflective skills’ was 8/10
Pontefract Academies Trusts
At Pontefract Academies Trust, Lyfta has enabled students to learn about a huge range of topics and themes and develop vital skills and values they need to thrive in our modern world.
Lyfta has helped bridge the gap between students' norms, perspectives and understandings of the myriad of ways of living, being and thriving in an increasingly complex, uncertain and interconnected world.